Winton Players took to the stage for the first time since the pandemic to perform Robin Hood.
Tom was onboard since before the pandemic and had plenty of time to perfect this design.
The set was designed for ‘Covid Times’ and was really minimal to allow for social distancing. This was not updated post pandemic, so it was a big empty stage to fill with eye candy and colour.
Stars of the show were our Equinox Fusion Orbits on their maiden voyage ‘in bulk’ pride of place on the front of the stage, breaking the fourth wall.
Equipment Used
- Equinox Fusion Orbits
- Prolight Slimpar 7Q5 RGBA
- Kudos 350ZS LED Moving Wash
- Prolight Fusion 120 Zoom Moving Wash
- ProLight PixelStorm 12 LED Batten
- Ayrton Diablos
- 2 Universe DMX Buffer Kit
- Various Generic Stage Lanterns
- Unique 2.1 Hazer
- Plus a whole load more!
Noda Review :